Salsa in a Pinch

I have a weird habit of over thinking everything, I must and I mean must have a look at the menu before I decide to eat anywhere... not because I have weird dietary needs, more cause I care... Eating isn't about filling a whole..... In eating something, I want every bit to be enjoyable, made with care and love. Food is a gift, we should enjoy it.

I live in Tucson, not a place known for it's amazing culinary masterpieces, but we are known for some hidden gems, and amazing salsas, beans, tortillas, chorizo and maybe even a glass of prickly pear lemonade...... Being so close to Mexico (only about an hour from the border) everything in this city has a Spanish/Mexican influence.. it's wonderful, colorful and spicy. Just the way I like it.

Living In Arizona you learn quickly you have to learn to like Mexican food....not liking chili's here is like not liking rice in or soy sauce in Japan... you can't survive you must adjust... or as most people here would prefer, move.

I thought I would take a moment to pass on a quick great salsa recipe someone gave to me.. and comes in useful when you need some good Sonoran salsa in a pinch.

QUICK FAKE fresh Salsa:

  • One can of Mexican Stewed tomatoes
  • 2-3 cloves of fresh, canned, or roasted garlic (preferred)
  • One finely diced small onion
  • Half a bunch of fresh Cilantro
  • 3 fresh jalapenos
  • 1tablespoon of lime juice

In a blender 1st mix the onion lime and garlic until pureed Add can of tomatoes, cilantro, and chopped jalapenos and pulse in the blender until mixed and ingredients are well chopped. If you desire to thin the salsa, add 1/4 cup of water at a time until desired consistency.

Serve with your favorite bowl of chips and enjoy! Bueno!


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